The Power of Pleasure is Here!

I’m so excited that my New E-book is ready for you.

Yep, you can get it right HERE and start experiencing The Power of Pleasure in your own life.

My goal has always been to offer you the very simplest routes to presence, joy and peace. I kept editing this book down to be the cleanest, clearest version of itself, until I was sure you’d be able to pick it up, grab a practice quickly, and fit it into your life with ease.

It will give you the most direct path to presence – through your body.

The seven chapters; Breathe, Ground, Touch, Taste, Sleep, Move and Release are full of inspiration, stories, research and super simple steps you can use immediately. They don’t take up extra time (that you really don’t have). But they’ll change your experience of what your already doing.

Chris Papadopoulos, author of Peace and Where to Find it, says, “Debra’s tell-it-like-it-is wisdom and gentle wit entice us to go more deeply into all the things we already do every day only to discover the profound pleasure waiting for us at the core of all experience.”

I’ve also included audio practices that you can download to your phone and use any time you like. Cause sometimes a little guidance is nice.


With love and thanks,

Want more?Sign up for my free e-book, A Taste of Pleasure

2 thoughts on “The Power of Pleasure is Here!

  1. Hi Deb:

    I bought your new book was SLOWLY reading it. Had finished chapter one on breathing but now it has disappeared from my IPad. How do I get it back?

    1. Hi Douglas. Thanks so much for your note, and for buy the book, AND for reading it SLOWLY. I’m just checking to see if you got my email response? I hope that solved everything. Please let me know. I want to make sure it’s taken care of. And I apologize for the disappearing act.

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