
Why Focus on One? The 30 Day Love Explosion

In the age of multi-tasking, multi-plex theaters and multi-orgasms you’d think I’d ask you to Love Bomb as many people as possible during The 30 Day Love Explosion, because more is obviously better, right?  Wrong.

The 30 Day Love Explosion is a time to Focus.

That’s why you pick just one person.

Did you ever pull out a magnifying glass on a sunny day when you were a kid? If you held it over a piece of wood you could burn your name it in. There was very little effort involved. All you had to do was hold the magnifying glass in one place. The glass amplified the light, intensifying the heat. The cool thing was this intense amplification of sun in one spot didn’t diminish it anywhere else. Magnifying the sun in your backyard, didn’t pull the sun away from your neighbour’s yard. The sun still shone as brightly everywhere else.

Love works the same way.

Still not sure why you should bother?

All of us have limited attention capacities. That’s why it’s illegal to use your cell phone while driving. So if you try  to Love Bomb several people for the month of June you are more likely to get distracted and forget. You may even become overwhelmed. You are less likely to succeed. Focusing on just one person sets you up for success.

Throughout June you’ll be paying specific attention to one person. You’ll observe, you’ll listen and you’ll reflect back what you love. Where your attention goes your life follows. So when you focus on love you amplify it, not just in this relationship, but in all areas of your life. While focusing on one person you’ll find yourself noticing things you love about others, about yourself and about your life. The quality of your life is not determined by what happens, but by your perspective of what happens. When your perspective is shifted towards love it will impact the rest of your life.

Your love is like the sun beaming out into the world. Focusing on one person is like using a magnifying glass, and your love becomes a laser beam. It is amplified, with the power to change the object of your love forever. And none of this diminishes your love shining in the world.


I’ll see you soon, Debra


Join The 30 Day Love Explosion

It’s Simple. It’s Deep.

And it’s completely Free

just like LOVE itself.

There are 4 Easy Steps:

1) Pick one person to focus on during the month of June. Just one. It could be your partner, parent, child, sibling, best friend, or even someone you’re struggling with.

2) Beginning JUNE 1st you’re going to tell that person one reason you love them*. You’re going to be specific. Then every day for 30 days you’ll give a unique reason you love them. No repeats. I call these Love Bombs.

3) This means you’re going to have to pay attention to them, and your feelings. You’ll probably start with the obvious and then notice things you’ve been taking for granted. You may have to draw on memories to rekindle something that’s been lost.

4) Express it any way you want. Say it, text it, leave love notes, get it tattooed on your body, use sign language, spell it in sprinkles on a cake…. get creative. Or keep it simple. Doing it daily is all that matters.

*If you choose a co-worker or your bus driver or the guy who walks your pet lizard it may be totally weird to say “love”.  No problem. Say “appreciate, admire, respect, enjoy, am in awe of…” There are so many to express love.

Here’s the best part. The more you give love the more you get. Just by feeling and expressing the love you have for someone, you reap the benefits. It will increase your dopamine and oxytocin, and decrease your stress hormones. It can lower your blood pressure, help you sleep better, reduce your cravings for sugar, enhance your creativity, and even help you lose weight. And it can make you feel more generous and grateful.
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